Every threat to human dignity and life is felt in the Church’s very heart. It affects us at the core of our faith and requires strong preventive steps and responsive actions.
Bullying policy
Aquinas Catholic Schools strives to provide a safe, secure and respectful learning environment. We will consistently and vigorously address bullying, including cyber bullying, to maintain the standards of a Christian community. Policies and procedures are described in our student/parent handbook.
Drug policy
The presence and use of drugs and alcohol presents a clear and present danger to the health, safety, and welfare of all pupils and we take action to protect students from the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Our drug policy is described in detail in our student/parent handbook.
Parent Safe Environment Forms
Any parent volunteering in our school must have completed the safe environment online training. Then the parent must submit a basic criminal background check and confidential questionnaire to the school office before volunteering with children and/or chaperoning field trips.
To complete the safe environment training, including reading the required documents and watching the Safe Environment Procedures video, please CLICK HERE.
Next, you will need to fill out a basic criminal background check and confidential questionnaire - click here.
Please submit the completed forms to the school office.