The Aquinas Fund
The Aquinas Fund is the primary focus of Aquinas Catholic Schools’ annual fundraising efforts. As in most parochial schools, tuition and parish support cover only a portion of the overall cost of educating each student who benefits from an exceptional learning experience. Unrestricted gifts to the Aquinas Fund go to work immediately to enhance the classroom experience for students and staff at all five Aquinas Catholic Schools buildings. Donors may make unrestricted gifts to the Aquinas Fund through the annual appeal or at any time.
Memorial and Honorary Giving
Memorial and Honorary Gifts to the Aquinas Catholic Schools Foundation may now be made through our secure online giving page. Memorial and Honorary Gifts are a thoughtful way to remember, congratulate, or recognize a friend or family member while supporting The Aquinas Catholic Schools Foundation.
Other gifts to the Aquinas Catholic Schools Foundation may also be made through this secure giving site by simply leaving the memorial/tribute information blank.
To make your memorial gift directly to Aquinas Catholic Schools in support of immediate operation needs, please use the Aquinas Fund link above.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful and generous support of Aquinas and our students!
Invest In The Best
We are pleased to announce a major fundraising effort, the Invest in the Best Campaign. This campaign is focused on investing in our faculty and staff who shape the lives of our current students and future alumni.
Other Ways to Support Aquinas Catholic School
Guardian Angel Fund
The Guardian Angel Fund is an emergency fund to help families through an unforeseen hardship (ex. loss of a job, illness, natural disaster, etc.). The Guardian Angel Fund can help families with tuition costs when assistance is needed. These funds are distributed on a case-by-case basis.
The Guardian Angel Fund was created by the late Mr. James Kiffe, who relied upon the help of others to attend Aquinas in the late 1930's and early 1940's.
To donate to this fund, please contact the ACS Development Office.
Tuition Assistance
More than 33% of students that attend Aquinas Catholic Schools receive some financial aid. Please consider donating to this great cause and help us open the door for more students to attend Aquinas Catholic Schools.
Restricted Giving
Donors may choose to give to Aquinas Catholic Schools or the Aquinas Foundation and restrict that gift for a certain program, cause, improvement, product, etc.
If you would like your gift used for something specific, just let us know and we will happily accommodate your requests.
Parent Associations
Aquinas Catholic Schools is proud to have hundreds of committed parents and volunteers that dedicate their time and talent to numerous events and organizations within the schools.Cathedral, Blessed Sacrament and St. Patrick elementary schools have parent-run groups that help with school needs, and volunteer at different events. Contact your school for more information on how to get involved.
Aquinas Middle School and Aquinas High School are home to the Aquinas Booster Club, the Music Association and the Parents Association. These groups are parent-run organizations that support the athletics, choir, band and drama programs through fundraising and volunteering their time to support these aspects of the school. The Parents Association supports the teachers and helps with school improvements, as well as organizing parent social events throughout the year.
All of these organizations would love to have you as a part of their group and are always looking for new members to add to the strength of their efforts.
Mardi Gras is an annual family-oriented celebration of the Catholic Community in the Coulee Region. Mardi Gras is celebrated around Catholic Schools week in January and supports scholarships for Aquinas Catholic Schools. The annual event includes a formal ball, numerous events, and a Family Day celebration with food, games and fun for all ages.