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Invest in the Best Campaign

Since Aquinas High School opened its doors in 1927, our faculty and staff have instructed and cared for our most precious commodity, our students.


We believe Aquinas provides simple the best 3K-12 school experience educating the whole student, MIND, BODY, & SOUL, a responsibility that rests on the strength of our faculty and staff. Outstanding teachers are essential.


In 1975, a group of alumni and business leaders had the forethought to form the Aquinas Foundation to fund the transition from a primarily religious faculty to a lay faculty. They realized how critical it was to be able to recruit and maintain a quality faculty and staff. The time has come again to invest in our employees by competitively compensating our valued educators, who currently start 30% below local public-school salaries.


In recent months, alumni, current families, and friends have made initial pledges toward this effort. These pledges, along with directed estate gifts, have laid the foundation for the "Invest in the Best" campaign. We hope these commitments will inspire all Aquinas alumni and friends to join our effort, answering the challenge our forefathers did nearly 50 years ago, by investing in our faculty and staff who shape the lives of our current students and future alumni.


Please prayerfully consider making a meaningful gift to the Human Capital Fund by choosing to "Invest in the Best" and set Aquinas Catholic Schools up for our next 50 years of success.



​- Ted Knutson, Aquinas Catholic Schools President


Faculty and staff at Aquinas Catholic Schools answer the call to serve, despite a significant gap in compensation compared to their peers at local institutions.


Investing in our employees will allow Aquinas Catholic Schools to attract, retain, and fairly compensate a devoted, knowledgeable, and caring faculty and staff for the students we serve.

Short Term Goal

$7 million

Through a successful capital campaign effort, the Human Capital Fund that has been established will grow to $7 million in support of faculty and staff compensation. 


Overall Goal

$10 million

As we move forward, estate gifts, investments from the Aquinas family, and market performance will see the Human Capital Fund grow to $10 million allowing ACS to close the starting wage gap for faculty and staff.


Give In Honor

At Aquinas, we can all think of a teacher, a coach, or a staff member who had a profound impact on our life. Please consider making your pledge or gift in honor or memory of a teacher, coach, or staff member.

Invest in the Best Campaign Committee

If you have questions or would like to connect with a member of our campaign team regarding your commitment, please do not hesitate to reach out a committee member or the ACS Development Office.


Kathy Keppel '79 - Aquinas Foundation Board President

Ted Knutson '80 - Aquinas Catholic Schools President

Rick Schneider '87

Mike Bakalars

Cory Roupe

Dennis Vogel

Mike Desmond '71 - Associate Director of Development

Brad Reinhart '00 - Director of Development

Aquinas Catholic Schools Development Office

(608) 784-0707


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