Counseling Services

Ms. Kristine Selberg
Elementary School Counselor
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Science Psychology: UW-La Crosse
Master of Science School Counseling: UW-Stout
Educational Experience:
25 years total teaching experience
School Counselor, guidance, at Blessed Sacrament School and Cathedral School
Inspiration to Teach:
The love of my faith, children and learning.
The basic curriculum for grades three through six consists of the following: Religion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading, General Music, Physical Education, Art, Technology Education, Library Skills, Instrumental Music, and International Languages. Aquinas Catholic Schools, Pre-K through 12, work cooperatively to update and develop a uniform, comprehensive, and sequential curriculum for each subject area. Textbooks and instructional materials are purchased on a rotating cycle when curriculum is updated. Teachers are provided with opportunities and encouraged to keep updated with current educational practices. Parents are regularly informed about classroom curriculum content through grade level newsletter updates. Complete curriculum guides for each subject are available upon request form the school principal.
Special Learning Needs
By parent or teacher referral, students at Aquinas Catholic Schools are eligible for exceptional educational needs testing through the School Districts of La Crosse and Onalaska. Comprehensive testing is done by a team of professionals to determine if a special educational need does exist. Results of the testing are discussed with the parents and recommendations are made based on the need of the child. Participation in some special education programs may take place at our schools while others must take place on site of the public school. All special needs testing and/or services will be under the direction of the school administrator.