Aquinas High School offers a variety of extra-curricular opportunities for students. Students in all extra-curricular programs represent more than themselves. They represent their fellow students, families, faculty, and the entire Aquinas community.
Aquinas High School Clubs
National Honor Society
Art Club
Athletes for Christ
Blugold Ambassador
Blu Crew - Spirit Club
Bowling Team
Chess Club
Earth Club - Adopt a Highway
Forensics Team
International Club
Junior Achievement
Liturgical Ministries
Math Team
Mission Club
National Honor Society
Pro-Life Club
Quiz Bowl
Student Government (ACOSA)
Trap Shooting
The Aquinas Chapter of the National Honor Society is designed to give recognition and honor to students with a high degree of excellence in scholarship, leadership, character and service. the first requirement is academic. The students must maintain a 3.50 cumulative grade point or higher. Once they have achieved that goal, they may apply for membership.
The process for application and acceptance to the Society includes the following:
Students who meet the first requirement are given an application form to complete and return.
A faculty committee will evaluate each student in the four areas of Academics, Character, Service, and Leadership on a confidential form and will make the final evaluation.
Each new member or renewal will be notified of his/her acceptance.
In order to maintain the high standards of the society, the members will be reevaluated each year.
If members fail to maintain the cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or any other of the standards of the Society, they will be placed on probation first, and if the situation does not change, they will be asked to forfeit their membership.
Qualifying students who are not accepted the first year will again be invited to apply their Junior and Senior years.
Each member will be inducted to the National Honor Society in a public ceremony during the school year. The Society will have four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer to be elected annually. The Society is active in the Academic and Service Projects of the school and throughout the community.
In 1994, six Aquinas students were empowered by their own desire to make a difference in the world. They wanted to tap into the potential of their fellow students at Aquinas to help other people throughout the community. These students created IMPACT.
IMPACT is a Christ-centered, student-led, volunteer community service organization at Aquinas High School.
IMPACT encourages students to donate their time, talent, and energy for charitable events, church and community agencies, and organizations within La Crosse. IMPACT informs students of volunteer opportunities and takes the initiative in promoting volunteerism as an integral part of a person’s life. Students encouraging other students by their own actions is central to IMPACTS vision.
IMPACT is open to all interested students.