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A Top-Tier Education

Three times in the last five years, a member of Aquinas Catholic Schools has been named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence – the highest educational award given by the U.S. Department of Education. Blessed Sacrament Elementary School won the award in 2017, Aquinas Middle School won the award in 2013, Aquinas High School earned the distinction in 2008. As the capstone schools of our system, this award honors excellence at our high school and middle school, but also the strong foundation students develop through ACS early childhood and elementary programs
Aquinas Catholic Schools and all its educational sites are nationally accredited by the North Central Association and AdvancED, the nation's largest and most prestigious accrediting association. National accreditation standards require a high degree of excellence and a commitment to continuous improvement.
The school system and all individual schools are also accredited by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation. In addition to maintaining standards of educational excellence, WRISA also helps ensure that Christian faith formation remains a central and vital part of all programs.
Aquinas High School
The high school curriculum requires at least 26 credits for graduation, of which 23 are required classes, including 4 English, 4 Religion, 3.5 Social Studies, 3 Science, 3 Mathematics, 2 International Languages (French, Spanish, or Latin), 1 Fine Arts (music, art, or drama), 1.5 Physical Education, .5 Health, and .5 Basic Computer Applications.
A variety of elective classes are offered in each academic discipline.
For the complete Aquinas High School, course catalog Click Here.
Aquinas Middle School
The Middle School curriculum builds on skills learned at the elementary level and prepares the students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in high school.
Core academic classes that meet daily are Religion, Language Arts/Literature, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
For the complete Aquinas Middle School curriculum Click Here.
St. Patrick Elementary School
St. Patrick School offers a comprehensive Catholic education for 3Preschool through 6th grade, building the skills and confidence students need for success.
In addition to core academic classes, students participate in enrichment courses, which rotate on a six-day cycle: Music, Instrumental Music (4th - 6th grades), Art, Physical Education, Technology, Guidance, Foreign Language (French & Spanish).
Blessed Sacrament Elementary School
The Blessed Sacrament School curriculum builds on skills learned at the primary grades and prepares students with the skills they need for success in middle school.
In addition to core academic classes, students participate in enrichment courses, which rotate on a six-day cycle, including: Music, Instrumental Music (4th - 6th grades), Art, Physical Education, Technology, Guidance, and Foreign Language of both French and Spanish.
Click Here for the complete Blessed Sacrament School curriculum.
Cathedral Elementary School
Cathedral School offers a faith-centered and academically enriched curriculum for students in 3-Preschool through second grade. With weekly Mass and a committed, nurturing staff, students find a love for learning and Christ every day.
Special Learning Needs
By parent or teacher referral, students at Aquinas Catholic Schools are eligible for exceptional educational needs testing through the School Districts of La Crosse and Onalaska. Comprehensive testing is done by a team of professionals to determine if a special educational need does exist. Results of the testing are discussed with the parents and recommendations are made based on the need of the child. Participation in some special education programs may take place at our schools while others must take place on site of the public school. All special needs testing and/or services will be under the direction of the school administrator.